Site Glossary
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Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
C |
crudeto be rough or mean (Span. bruto) | ||
D |
digestto process food in you stomach (Span. digerir) | ||
dimensionsthe shape and size of an object (Span. dimensiones) | ||
dockingthe process of parking a boat. (Span. estacionar) | ||
drapescurtains that hang on the side of windows (Span. cortinas) | ||
E |
enchantingsomething that draws attention (Span. encantado) | ||
excitedto be very happy about something (Span. entuciasmada) | ||
explodeto burst or pop (Span. reventar) | ||
F |
fascinatedto be happily wondering about something (Span. fascinado) | ||
flurriesstrong winds (Span. ráfagas) | ||