Site Glossary
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L |
loggedto use a password to get access to a computer (Span. conectar) | ||
M |
microscopean instrument for looking at very small things (Span. microscopio) | ||
mockingto make fun of someone (Span. burlón) | ||
muggyweather that is warm, wet, and uncomfortable (Span. bochorno) | ||
muteto stay quiet (Span. mudo) | ||
O |
organismssomething that is alive (Span. organismo) | ||
P |
prairiea flat area of land with grass (Span. pradera) | ||
R |
revealto uncover to show something (Span. revelar) | ||
S |
sarcophagusa decorated case where Egyptians placed their dead (Span. sarcófago) | ||
scowlto make a mean face (Span. ceño) | ||